Choir » Choir


Hello!  My name is Ms. Malito and I am delighted to be the vocal music teacher at Conrady!  

I conduct the four choral ensembles (two curricular, two extracurricular) and teach 6-8th grade general music.  

This is Why We Study Music:

Not because we expect you to major in music. Not because we expect people to perform all their lives. Not so you can relax. Not so you can have fun.


So you will be human, so you will recognize beauty, so you will be more sensitive, especially to all the thoughts and feelings put into sound throughout the ages, so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world, so you will have something to cling to, so you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good - in short, more life!

Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?